Information for Patients

Information for Patients

What is HBOT?

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is the delivery of 100% oxygen in a pressurized environment (a chamber): the person breathes 100% hospital grade oxygen while sitting comfortably and relaxed in a chamber (usually watching a movie or reading). It’s easy, safe, drug-free, and proven for certain conditions.

HOPE Connection was founded by 2 families who were traveling out of the country for HBOT sessions (for their children), until they decided to build a safe environment locally, for all families.

Is it new?

HBOT is not new. It has literally been in practice since the early 1900s and its history goes back to the 1600s. In Europe and throughout the world, hyperbarics is used at many hospitals for many conditions. In the US, hyperbarics can be found in just about every single hospital (and some ambulances, even!), but hospitals generally only offer it for wound-healing and diabetic ulcer, for the most part.

You may have heard of it in the context of a professional sports athlete using it, or you may have come across it through a parent or a caregiver. However you learned about HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen), it’s just good that you found us! There are just 2 multi-place chambers (a multi-place chamber is one that can fit multiple persons) in Massachusetts and only a couple throughout the New England area.


Is it expensive? 

We offer our client-patients sessions at a very low cost and also offer financial aid; costs, in general, range from $100 to $150 per hour (sometimes less, but not more than $150 per session (one hour). The cost of NOT incorporating HBOT into your medical plan far outweighs the investment in HBOT for you or your loved one.


Why haven’t I heard of it before?

HBOT is not well known by the medical community, because it is not taught in all medical schools in the US, and no one large group is lobbying the medical community to look at HBOT and all its benefits and successes. No one company owns oxygen, which means it is up to parents and caregivers to bring it to the medical community. There is a small and rapidly growing, hyperbaric medical community of MDs, DOs, and nurses.

Why is it helpful?

Mounting evidence tells us that only through a pressurized environment will oxygen-starved tissues (as seen in instances of poor circulation) begin receiving the oxygen they need (tissue growth actually occurs).

At HOPE Connection, patients receive hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) while sitting comfortably in a multi-place or mono-chamber (we do not use flexible, portable, or collapsible chambers), breathing 100% oxygen in an increased atmospheric pressure environment. During your session (from one hour to two hours, depending on your prescription), you can relax by watching movies, reading, or listening to music. Our certified chamber technologists monitor you from the control station. Through speakers and microphones, you will always be able to communicate easily to anyone waiting for you outside the chamber.

Get Started Right Now

Are you ready to learn about how HBOT can help you or your family member? 
Leave your information, and we will be in touch to review your questions and whether or not HBOT is suitable.