
“With the hyperbaric oxygen sessions I’ve had, I have improved my mobility, speech, and so many other things with my cognitive ability. I was wounded in combat and it wasn’t until recently I learned about HBO. I wish I learned about it sooner, closer to the event, but I’m glad HOPE is in my life now! Thank you.”
C.W., Traumatic brain injury

“You guys are great. The hyperbaric oxygen is helping with my immune system and overall functioning. I have drug-induced Lupus and Lyme and other things, but all the improvements I have seen – and my doctors have seen – are due to the one constant, hyperbaric oxygen.”
E.A., Black mold infection

“Thank you for the opportunity to visit you at HOPE. I feel better and will be doing more sessions. The headaches are gone, and I’m sleeping better.”
E.A., Black mold infection

“After my first session, I noticed that my mother was able to move her wrist for the first time since she came home. She realized it as well and was very excited by that sign. We are going to keep coming. Thanks.”
L.M., Stroke

“Thank you all. The combination of hyperbaric oxygen and the work I’m doing with my son (through the Option Institute) is amazing.”
S. L., Autism

“My husband is improving with HBO. He is now walking and speaking a lot better. We’ve seen major improvements. Thank you.”
L.A., Stroke

“I really want to continue my treatment regularly because I am seeing results.”
X.M., Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

“It was a pleasure meeting you and getting my first treatment in Mass.”
J.G., Lyme Disease

“I was able to eat a slice of pizza today – the first time in seven years, since I was diagnosed with RSD. Thank you.”
C.J., Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)

“Thanks for everything, it was a pleasure to work with you, Eric and Craig.”
W.F., Lyme Disease

“My daughter’s skin is so much better. We have seen big improvements. Thank you.”
D.A., Scleroderma and other skin conditions

“Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a conservative treatment method in which oxygen levels can be returned to compromised tissues. This was a large part of my rehabilitation and made a remarkable difference in my recovery.”
Valerie Greene, Stroke survivor (http://www.valeriegreene.com/resources/hbot/)

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Why we started Hope

Hope started in 2006 after years of two local families traveling out of the country in order to give their children 100% oxygen hbo.

The families eventually came together and, through dedicated cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, and autoimmune support resources, realized that they had could provide value to the community.

Families use hyperbarics in North Reading MA or at off-site locations, like in an assisted living facility, clinic, or at home. Prices are the lowest in the country.

mHBOT - mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy

We do all training and maintenance so that you can do your HBO at home or in your local clinic.

Complementing mHBOT with traditional HBO is a great way to stay healthy and share with all family members.

Like our Facebook page and meet other HBO users in the community and see how they're complementing other modalities with 100% oxygen.

For Client-Patients

For Medical Professionals

muppet inside chamber